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Most Common Air Conditioning Myths

Most Common Air Conditioning Myths

Welcome to the blog “Air Conditioning Myths” where we will dispel common myths about this cherished cooling technology. We want to give you correct information on air conditioning systems by separating reality from myth in this educational series. Understanding the facts behind these beliefs is essential to helping you make judgments regarding your comfort and energy use when the summer heat increases. We’ll cover a variety of subjects, such as the idea that decreasing the thermostat lowers the rate at which your room cools or that leaving the AC on all day saves more energy than turning it off.

Air conditioning Myths:

Though we have been using different air conditioners for a long time, we still need some clarification. The word “confusion” must have confused you; we aim to discuss the air conditioning myths. These myths are so confusing that even technology has not helped us get rid of them. So, read these fables and eliminate them from your mind.

Though we have been using different air conditioners for a long time, we still need some clarification. The word “confusion” must have confused you; we aim to discuss the air conditioning myths. These myths are so confusing that even technology has not helped us get rid of them. These myths are directly related to running, maintaining, and repairing the air conditioner. So, read these fables and eliminate them from your mind.

Regular maintenance helps do not impact the running cost:

It is a common myth among people that regular air conditioner maintenance only helps to get the maximum output from the machine. The facts do not agree with this fable, because a well-maintained air conditioner works well which results in the consumption of a lower amount of electricity and saves the running cost.

1. Air conditioning gives you a cold

This widespread myth is untrue. By catching dust and pet dander with its filters, air conditioning may enhance indoor air quality, lowering the underlying causes of allergies and enhancing air quality.

2. A replacement for air conditioning is a ceiling fan

The truth is that while ceiling fans can aid in circulating cold air and provide a wind chill effect that makes a room seem cooler, they cannot replace effective air conditioning. Ceiling fans don’t chill the air; they only disperse it.

3. It saves energy to close vents in empty rooms

The AC system does not benefit from covering vents in empty rooms. In reality, it might stress the system since it obstructs the designed cooling region. Vents in empty rooms should not be closed to save electricity.

4. When you leave, turn off the air conditioning to save money

Contrary to what many think, continuously chilling a house after turning the air conditioning off uses more energy than leaving it on. Maintaining a constant temperature in the house is more effective than cooling it several times.

5. Better cooling is achieved with a bigger air conditioner

Purchasing a bigger air conditioner has no additional cooling advantages. Greater units take longer to heat or cool down smaller rooms since they are built to cool larger spaces and maintain the temperature of a large building.

6. You can contract a virus through the air conditioning

You cannot get sick from a virus by only using air conditioning. But according to a study, if your air conditioner isn’t kept up, it might expose you to more airborne germs.

7. Only the sweltering summer months require air conditioning

The settings of modern air conditioners may accommodate all seasons. Various house air conditioning systems are convenient for both the hot summer and the cooler months.


8. Only once a year should an air filter be cleaned

We should clean air filters at least once every two months to guarantee proper performance. Regular air filter cleaning keeps the AC system operating effectively and efficiently.

9. Air conditioners only work in summer

The idea that we should only use air conditioners in the sweltering summer is one of the most widespread. But things are not like that. Many contemporary air conditioners include innovative features and settings for hot, cold, and dry seasons. All-season air conditioners are appropriate for the winter since they can both chill you off and act as warmers.

10. We can put outdoor units in any place

There are frequently many ideal locations where the outdoor air conditioning unit may be positioned.

Experts must carefully identify it to ensure that the efficiency of the AC is not compromised. It may produce smoke or fire if someone places it incorrectly on the outside unit. Another important factor is how much direct sunlight the outdoor unit receives daily.

11. It’s harmful to your health to sleep with the air conditioner on

Setting the thermostat too low is true, but using your air conditioner properly can create a cozy and healthy nocturnal atmosphere. We recommend it to set your unit’s temperature a few degrees higher than the daytime temperature. It will keep your home comfortable, considering that human body temperatures drop at night.

12. It’s dangerous for kids to use air conditioning

Air conditioning is a helpful aid for preventing the negative effects of extreme heat, such as dehydration, on infants and young children’s health. We advise children, especially infants, to maintain a moderate temperature that allows them to feel comfortable without sweating and improves their ability to sleep during warm nights.

13. Thermostat placement does not impact the temperature

The location of your thermostat may have a big impact on how energy-efficient your home is, which you may have never thought about. Of course, it has to be positioned somewhere that makes adjustments easy. Aside from that, the U.S. Department of Energy advises placing it on an interior wall far from any windows, doors, skylights, or sources of direct sunlight. It is best not to put furniture in front of or below your thermostat.


All the air conditioning myths described here are true, and most people think alike. You may not agree with us about very few of them, but most of these facts are close to the truth. So, if you have also adapted to these air conditioning myths, we suggest you switch your mindset.


Q1. Can the cooling system make you sick?

No, any scientific data does not back up this assertion.

Q2. Does the effectiveness of an air conditioner suffer from dirty coils?

Yes, evaporator coils covered in thick layers of dirt and dust can hinder heat transmission and reduce efficiency.

Q3. Mold and germs Can air conditioning get rid of them?

Only an air conditioner cannot remove mold and germs completely, although regular maintenance and cleaning can assist.

Q4. Is an air conditioner responsible for spreading allergies and skin problems?

Although it doesn’t directly cause allergies, air conditioning can contribute to dry skin. However, unreliable systems can spread allergies.

Q5. Is a portable air conditioner more efficient when we compare it with others?

Portable air conditioners are appropriate for smaller rooms but may not be as effective at cooling bigger spaces as central air conditioning systems.

Harley Casidy
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I would rate my writing as being of the highest caliber. In order to get my thoughts about AC and just let my pen flow when I'm writing or have other writing responsibilities, I have to put everything down on paper. Every day, I write on AC PRO.

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